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Accessing Narcan to Combat Opioid Overdose Deaths
National Council-Challenging Myths about MAT
Finding Quality Treatment for Substance Use Disorders
Raising Awareness #4
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Mentored Internship Program (MIP), Round 1 Organizations Continuing to Round 2
This table displays all information regarding the MIP Round 1 Continuing Organizations funding, including: organization, award amount, city and county.
SACRAMENTO — The Department of Health Care Services (DHCS) awarded an additional $33 million to 120 nonprofit provider and tribal organizations, extending the existing behavioral health workforce Mentored Internship Program to organizations that successfully completed the first round of the program. Each entity will receive up to $500,000 to enhance
August 31 is International Opioid Overdose Awareness Day
International Overdose Awareness Day is the world’s largest annual campaign to end overdose, remember without stigma those who have died, and acknowledge the grief of the family and friends left behind. In alignment with this observance, the California Opioid Prevention Network is releasing an Overdose Prevention 101 Guide. More information
Addressing Stigma and Substance Use Disorders
This course, designed to serve a broad audience including health care and behavioral health administrators and supervisors, direct care providers of behavioral health service and students in pre-service classes, provides content valuable for myriad professionals to consider in their day-to-day work when serving people with substance use disorders. The topics
The Department of Health Care Services (DHCS) today awarded more than $23 million in funding to 81 nonprofit, tribal, and county-operated behavioral health providers to expand the state’s behavioral health care workforce.
Each entity will receive up to $350,000 to enhance and build its behavioral health substance use disorder (SUD)
CARS Report
Review the newly released findings and recommendations from the fall 2021 California Behavioral Health Workforce Assessment survey!