Mentored Internship Program (MIP)

Mentored Internship Program


The MIP project provides opportunities for students 18 and older and at multiple stages of their education to gain practical on-the-job experience. The goal of the MIP project is to enhance the professional development of diverse students through thoughtful mentored internships and to grow the future behavioral health (BH) workforce.

The MIP grant funds California nonprofit provider organizations, tribal organizations, and county-operated providers that deliver BH services (substance use disorder [SUD] treatment, mental health [MH] or co-occurring disorder programming) to adolescents, adults, or families. The project prioritizes organizations working in underserved and diverse communities.

Grant funding enables organizations to develop and implement in-house mentored internship programs in coordination with educational organization partners, such as community colleges, vocational programs, public and private colleges and universities and high schools. Grant funding covers:

  • Mentor and intern salaries, training, and professional development.
  • Subcontracts and direct expenses required for developing a mentored internship program at the BH organization.
  • Community outreach to increase referrals.
  • Costs related to the development of intern recruitment, application, and support processes at the educational partner.
  • Training, technical assistance, and other supports for all involved.


Round 1 of the MIP project ran from April 1, 2022, to December 31, 2023, and supported 127 non-profit organizations and county-operated BH service providers in 34 counties.

The map below shows the distribution of both Round 1 and Round 2 grantees by county.

Award Details are available

People in a city crossing a crosswalk
Round 1 Awardee Overview
People in a room sitting and discussing around a table
Round 2 Awardee Overview
Two women sitting on the couch speaking and smiling
Round 1 Organizations Continuing to Round 2 Awardee Overview